Solutions for Obesity in Perth

14 October 2022
A woman measuring her waist with a pink tape, reflecting her journey towards health after weight loss surgery.

If you live in Perth and you’ve decided it’s time to take control of your obesity, it’s not easy to know where to start. Here is a list of proven, successful Perth obesity solutions to give you that helping hand to start your journey.

Talk to your GP

The first step is to make an appointment with your GP. You don’t have to have any answers or even any questions. Just let them know you would like to take action on losing weight and improve your health.

After reading these possible Perth obesity solutions below, you may want to let your GP know you’re keen to speak to a bariatric surgeon to further investigate your options, and your GP will be able to provide you with a referral letter.


Bariatric Surgery Solutions

  • Lap Band Surgery: Placing an adjustable silicon band around the upper part of your stomach to form a small pouch. This restricts the amount you can eat and produces early satiety. Safe and reversible.
  • Gastric Bypass Surgery: The stomach is partitioned to a smaller size and small bowel is re-routed to this new gastric pouch, reducing the volume of the stomach by up to 90%.
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery: A keyhole surgery where a large portion of the stomach is removed, leaving you with feelings of satiety after less food has been consumed.
  • SADI-S/SIPS Surgery: Sleeve gastrectomy along with surgery to reroute the small intestine, produces malabsorption to effect weight loss. It also produces good control for diabetes, greater than 95%, and other obesity-related illnesses.
  • SASI-S Surgery: A combination of a sleeve gastrectomy and an intestinal bypass, causing roughly half of consumed food to bypass the first part of the small intestine, reducing absorption of fats and sugars. Slow digestion of food in the small intestine stimulates the release of intestinal hormones, which tells your brain to stop eating.


Miracle Cures Caution

Unfortunately, the weight-loss industry attracts unqualified solutions and providers who claim to have the latest, easy fix to your dilemma. When you hear about something that seems easy and too good to be true – then it probably is.


Perth Weight Loss and Surgery

We have a complete team of experts to help you on your weight loss journey, from surgeon, to exercise physiologists, psychologist and dietitians. We ensure your safety and best interests are always our priority, with a proven history of helping thousands of people feel great by achieving lifelong weight loss.

Remember, you don’t have to map out your entire weight loss journey today, you just have to take the first step. After that, you take the next, and keep stepping, until you reach your goal.

We are here to help you each and every one of those steps along the way.

Make a bulk billed appointment with Perth Weight Loss and Surgery today – we can help you on your path to freedom.


Contact us on 08 6155 8822 or book your bulk billed consultation here!

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