Post Weight Loss Surgery Exercise

28 February 2019
a lady post weight loss surgery starting exercise

What exercise is best for you post-surgery? 

Let’s be honest participating in exercise may be the last thing on your mind after you have just had surgery, but it is important to consider because it will assist the weight loss process and has extensive benefits including increasing your blood flow, circulation, and bowel function.

Obesity comes with many accompanying negative health impacts such as diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancers, and high blood pressure. If you are considering gastric banding surgery or gastric bypass surgery, it is definitely worthwhile considering drafting an exercise plan so you can participate in physical activity once you have had surgery.

When – When you can begin exercise depends on what procedure you have had. If you have had open surgery, then you might not be able to start exercises for about 12 weeks. Depending on how long you are advised to wait, it is important to use this time to rest and recover. In addition, you can utilise this time to plan your exercise activities for when you are fit and raring to go.

What – What types of exercises should you carry out when you are ready? The truth is that there is no such thing as bad exercise but it is important to re-introduce exercise slowly through light activities.

Make sure you follow your medical team’s instructions who will most likely start you off on a program. You should feel out of breath regardless of the exercise you are participating in. You need to get your heart pumping and beating faster. As you progress you can begin to add to your repertoire of exercises introducing weight resistance training. As you progress participating in any type of exercise that increases the heart rate such as walking, jogging, cycling, yoga, pilates and weights are all encouraged.

Where – This is the great part of exercise. Many people believe that they can only get results if they join a gym. This is nonsense. You can get the same results, if not better at home following the advice you have been given. There are lots of YouTube exercise videos where you can begin to build confidence. The gym environment can be quite intimidating so make the most of exercising outdoors- plus it’s free.

How – The frequency of your physical is completely dependent on how you are feeling post-surgery. If you were previously active prior to surgery, it will be easier to re-introduce your body to exercise. Start off slowly ensuring you are stretching, listening to your body and sipping water gradually throughout the day. Once you have established a base layer of fitness, you will be able to increase the frequency and intensity of exercise.

If you want helpful tips or advice from our Perth Weight Loss Community join our Facebook Group. 

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