The Choice

The weight loss resulting from bariatric surgery means your body shape will completely change, which means new outfits will be in order.   Decluttering Your Wardrobe After Weight Loss Surgery This represents the perfect opportunity to declutter your wardrobe – out with the old, in with the new. Over the last few years, decluttering your […]

Body composition scanners and analysers are becoming a talked-about, modern tool to determine health and associated risk factors. As in all fields, humanity is evolving and growing. We are discovering more detail and accuracy in an infinite number of scientific fields. Health is one of those. Where we once relied on Body Mass Index (BMI), […]

Regardless of how you may feel about exercise, the benefits are indisputable, and not just for weight loss alone. Exercise forms a crucial part of your entire weight loss journey, and your relationship with exercise is something we coach you to improve at Perth Weight Loss and Surgery.   Before Surgery Starting a healthy relationship […]

How many: “this year, I’m going to do more exercise” or “I’m going to eat healthy from now on”, or “I am cutting junk food out”, type statements have you made? How many have you achieved? A desire to change can be both inspiring and daunting. Something so big might mean we’re reluctant to start, […]

Many people put off weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, and move towards a healthier future due to misperceptions about the cost. If you’ve ever had the thought: “I’m ready for weight loss surgery, but I simply can’t afford it at the moment”, then this blog is for you. How much does weight […]

What is high cholesterol? Everyone has a certain degree of cholesterol. It is a naturally occurring fatty substance found in the blood. Your level of cholesterol is affected by the types of foods you eat. If you consume too much fatty food, cholesterol can build up in your blood vessels and arteries. This can cause […]

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can be caused by many different health factors. However, obesity is one of the most common risk factor in adults. Blood pressure is measured by taking into account the resistance your blood encounters when pumped through your heart, and how much blood is moving through your vessels. The […]

Weight loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery) can be life-changing in so many ways. It gives patients a new, positive outlook on the future and more energy and motivation to face the day. Plus, the significant weight loss that comes after bariatric surgery can substantially reduce the risk of obesity-related diseases, such as type […]

Perth Weight Loss has an online community network of over 1,000 members, and we encourage everyone that has a weight loss surgery at our clinic to join. We find that communicating with a network of understanding people can help our patients feel much more at ease throughout the entire bariatric surgery process.   Pre-Surgery Support […]

At Perth Weight Loss & Surgery, we want you to prioritise your health. Investing in yourself is the most valuable thing that you can do. You can have a nice house or a nice car, but what will this all mean if you don’t feel your best? Before beginning your weight loss surgery, it is […]