Negative Effects of a High-Calorie Diet

25 July 2019
someone holding a knife and fork while staring at a large cheeseburger

At Perth Weight Loss and Surgery we believe that healthy eating is not only good for your waistline but also for your mental health, and overall vitality. Why then are so many Australians risking their health and waistlines by eating a high-calorie diet and doing little to no exercise?


Why a high-calorie diet is dangerous

That extra slice of pizza or late-night chocolate biscuit might not seem like it is doing you much harm, but the truth is our daily intake of calories has reached dangerous levels, leading to a slew of health problems.

Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Dementia, Osteoarthritis and cognitive decline including dementia and brain shrinkage have all been linked to a lifestyle of high-calorie food and minimal exercise.

Around 30% of the world’s adult population is overweight or obese with more than 10% expected to suffer from diabetes by 2030.

That leaves a decade to reverse this alarming trend.

How many calories should I consume?

A calorie is a unit of energy – and in fact, there are two types. When publications mention ‘calories’ they usually are referring to the large calorie, also called the food calorie or kilocalorie (Cal or kcal).

This is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water by 1°C.
Due to this relationship between calories and energy, there is no hard-and-fast rule for caloric intake. How many calories you consume should be measured against your body composition, age, gender, metabolism, and lifestyle including exercise habits.

On average, however, the average Australian is consuming around 650 calories per day more than we did 50 years ago. That’s the equivalent of a fast-food meal per day.

So what can you do to ensure unhealthy habits aren’t jeopardising your well being?

Minimising the negative impacts of a high-calorie diet

While many Australians struggle to find the balance due to the stresses of work, family life, household budgets and time, there are ways to make incremental changes that could mean a much healthier life down the track.

• Cut out fast food and replace it with fresh, healthy ingredients
• Change up dessert from ice-cream to fruit or yoghurt
• Find a sport you enjoy and commit to training
• Take the stairs instead of the lift
• Keep a food journal
• Pay more attention to your weekly shopping
• Make fast food night a time for family outings instead

Developing healthy habits as early as possible is important for our bodies, brains, and lifespan outlook.

Not only is regular exercise and a low-calorie diet better for your waistline, but it also promotes grey matter development and reduces the risk of diseases related to obesity.

So now is the right time to kick the high-calorie foods and inactivity to the curb.

Contact us or visit Perth Weight Loss and Surgery to learn more about the weight-loss solutions and receive a complimentary consultation.

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